Slice of Life 2020 Day 25

Writing today is quite an uphill challenge. Here it is 10:30 at my house as I write this. Reading other posts inspired me as always and give me the feeling that we are in this together. I’m thankful for this daily challenge because it offers me a way to connect with so many people.

Then today connections with family and friends were plentiful. I realize that today was a day of connections for me.

Mid morning, I checked my email to find a missive from a friend I had not heard from in several months. It was so sweet. She sought me up with her life and family then told me she was reminded of me because she was enrolling in a class on Coursera. She remembered how much I enjoyed learning new things. I learned so much from her, she is a great teacher.

Around lunch I received a text from a cousin who was checking on us. It was sweet. We never text so it was a nice surprise.

I called my sister to check on her. She had 62 children at her daycare today. And she seemed calm. She said they take temperatures as soon as the kids arrive, they disinfect tables and toys during the day and at the end of the day. She had three teachers who did not feel comfortable coming to work so she hired a couple new teachers and she was teaching a class. It’s a catch 22, parents depend on the school. Yet it’s difficult to separate that many children. The teachers did keep their groups of 10 or less apart from the others. I sure hope they are overly cautious.

After lunch another cousin texted me to find if we could talk. I called her and we commiserated our similar situation of trying to shelter in place even though we are over 1000 miles apart.

Our son called to check on us. I sure miss getting to see him and his wife, but they have been sick and working from home. They bought house and are trying to move.

I’m thankful for all these connections. They make my day pass quickly.

9 thoughts on “Slice of Life 2020 Day 25

  1. My day looks very similar to yours Patricia. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we had a fruitful day when we are so much on the phone or the computer, but in today’s reality your time making those connections is precious. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we need the emotional support, and it’s really appreciate it. I hope you have a nice Thursday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Patricia,

    I enjoyed reliving your connections through your writing. This challenge has resonated with me in such a special way. It’s “connected” me to so many faceless, heart-filled writers – and it’s knitted me to a community in which I’ve found so much consolation amidst consistent chaos.

    I’m appreciative of the connections you conveyed as they remind how much I increasingly treasure my own. Thank you for sharing the details of your wonderful day.

    ~Carla Michelle


  3. I loved your theme, “Connections”. I broke protocol today (though nothing is official here) and walked with 3 ladies in the park last night. I felt guilty the entire time, though we each walked 4-6′ from each other. But, it was nice to have that connection with the ladies. I’ll not go anymore and will stick with email and telephone connections. 🙂


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