#SOL2019 Day 25

Pride, not Prize

I was listening to one of my favorite radio stations while driving to work this morning, the Pulse. The QOD, question of the day was, “Who was the knighted pianist who pose album from the 80s used his real name?” I knew! But it was too late for me to call in. The first person with the correct answer qualifies for pride, not prize of the day.

A bit later the guy was telling about his friend’s wife who won lots of money playing a slot machine. He invited listeners to call in with their stories of big gambling wins. I dialed the number, but usually don’t get through. I got through! I waited, the guy came on the phone and I told him my wining gambling story.

I turned the radio down while I talked with him. When we hung up, I turned it back up to listen, not sure my story would be aired. I was just arriving at my destination when I heard my voice telling my story!

It was a fun addition to the drive that made my day!

Oh! Did you know the answer to the QOD? Sir Elton John.

#SOL2019 Day 23 never grocery shop on a Saturday

One tip the AARP magazine gave to retirees was to grocery shop midweek, never on the weekend. I know, but that’s a hard rule to follow.

I hate grocery shopping.

I need staples to cook.

I hate crowded, busy places.

I haven’t seriously shopped for groceries in a couple weeks.

I hate trying to find a parking spot safe from dents in my vehicle.

I love finding a parking spot next to a nice car.

I hate trying to navigate the huge carts through families.

I do enjoy watching Dads help with the kids.

That lady is picking through the sweet potatoes to find the largest ones.

I need a bag of sweet potatoes.

I can’t find the bags for loose veggies and pass the display twice.

Avocados are on sale!

Stock clerks are in the aisles, busily trying to keep up.

I told one clerk I should know better than come on the weekend, he laughed.

At check out I commented on the busyness and she said her day was moving fast.

Now the real work begins, head home and put away all the groceries.

#SliceofLife 2019 Day 18

I just need a deadline!

I’m such a procrastinar. I know it’s bad. I can’t seem to acomplish much without deadlines. I know because retirement has few deadlines. And I’m not accomplishing what I hoped. I seemed to get more done when I was working full time. Anyway, I’m trying to adjust.

I’m taking classes to learn all about writing children’s picture books, something I started working on 7 years ago. I have lots of ideas. I can write a draft and share with my critique group. They give me great suggestions and support. But I don’t progress from there. I don’t get revisions done.

Yesterday I read about a contest to submit a finished and polished picture book manuscript at this website: http://www.michelle4laughs.com/2019/02/picture-book-party-2019.html

Ah, a deadline! Just what I need. So yesterday I started polishing one of my drafts. I went back through my notes from the critique group. Today I shared the story with my husband. I will be ready to submit it tomorrow, just in time to meet the deadline!

#SOL2019 Day 16 Bollinger Mill State Park

Inspired by a #picoftheweek2019 post, I decided to write about a pleasant memory of this place. This picture gives you a view of the mill and bridge. It’s serene and calming to me.

One Memorial Day our families headed there for a cookout. It’s about 1 1/2 hour drive. We prepared some food ahead, deserts and potato salad for sure. My father-in-law always barbecued pork steaks, hamburgers and hot dogs. I have a picture of about 24 of us just inside the covered bridge. The youngest played on a pallet under the shade trees while the food was cooking. The adults played wiffle ball or badminton with the younger children. We explored the area, just enjoying nature.

Now the site is a state park. You can tour the old mill and see how it actually operated. The small community has a couple antique shops. The park has tall oak trees to shade the picnic sites. It’s still an interesting place to visit.

#SOL 2019 Day 12 Imagine

I was inspired by two other slicers who wrote to imagine what their mothers might be doing today.

You can read one at this link.https://lannyball.com/2019/03/11/solsc-day-11-sol19/

And another: Jaana writes


My mother would be sitting at the kitchen table sipping her morning coffee.

My mother would be talking with her mom, checking on her.

My mother would be planning her day, it might involve cleaning a part of the house, reading, running an errand for dad, sewing clothes for us, or for my sisters’ Barbie dolls.

My mother would be preparing the noon meal to simmer so everyone would have a hot meal when they came in from working in the field.

In the evening, my mother would be unwrapping her birthday gifts from her children and celebrating another year with her family.

#SOL2019 Day 11

My thoughts from yesterday as we sorted a few items on my father-in-law’s desk.

Reviewing receipts, documents and records.

Reading between the lines.

Remebering a story about a purchase.

Thoughts surfacing of pleasant times spent together.

Sharing with others who haven’t heard that spin.

Amazed that a piece of paper holds such power

#SOL 2019 Day 7

After gargling with saltwater and spending all of yesterday on the couch wrapped in a blanket, my throat still hurts. It’s time to visit urgent care. I hate going to the doctor and usually tough it out. I have no energy. I haven’t had coffee for 2 days, two cups of hot tea with honey & lemon instead. My dog hasn’t gone on a walk either. She is on her own in the gated back yard. And the weekend will soon arrive. I sure don’t want to go to the er.

I am glad I can write the slices.

#SOL 2019 Day 6

I can’t find my coat. I wore it yesterday on our trip to the dentist. When we got home we were rushing to take the dog out, carry in the groceries and head to town. I realized I couldn’t find it and quickly grabbed another jacket. I had a library board meeting in the evening so I didn’t have time to search thoroughly. We crashed after that.

Today I called each stop we made to ask if they had found a leather jacket. No luck.

My husband said he could not believe I’d lost my coat. I can.

It’s been a stressful group of days.

And oh, yeah the coroner ruled the death natural causes.

#SOL2019 Day 4

Trying to Return to Normal

After a week of somber activity, the extended family members head home. All is quiet around the house, we do the mundane things. We eat breakfast, pay bills, do the dishes, wash the clothes, and begin to write thank you notes. In between these tasks we discuss the events of the past week. Reflections help us discuss our feelings.

We have several duties ahead as a family. We must sort a lifetime collection of belongings. Some things will be divided among family members. A grandson might treasure a cap that Grandpa once wore. A Pendleton shirt would make a nice outfit for a teddy bear. Some items will be donated to the local rescue mission. Some things may be auctioned. Cleaning will be carthartic.

Music also heals the soul. Today I listened to two songs suggested by my son, and both were perfect: Frank Sinatra’s, My Way and We’ll Meet Again. .